Monthly Archives: September 2015


This week marked the start of the Jewish New Year with Yom Kippur falling on Wednesday. Yom Kippur is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar and is also known as the Day of Atonement. A common greeting that you may hear Jewish people sharing at this time is, “May your name be inscribed in the Book of Life.” This language imagines God as judge, sitting on the divine throne of justice, reviewing our deeds. On a table before God lies a large book with many pages, as many pages as there are people in the world. Each of us has a

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Fairy Tales for Adults

Once upon a time, when I was a little boy, there was one story I would return to time and again. Before I learned to read, it was my mother or my sister I nagged to read to me and  I would even ask my nanny, Edna, to read it to me. Edna was illiterate so we used to discuss the pictures and I suppose I would tell her the story, which by then I had learned by heart. That story was The Ginger Bread Man. There was something in that story about this gingerbread boy leaping away and running from the old woman, the old man, the pig,

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It’s All in the Timing

I remember back in the 1980's  there was a TV series called Dallas. I was a huge addict and had a crush on Pammy Ewing but also secretly loved Sue Ellen Ewing because she was a booze-addled victim repeatedly drawn back to the vodka. The producers of this series probably kept Dallas running for 2 or 3 sessions too long. The plot became more and more clichéd and in the end most people just stopped enjoying the program. There is a danger when we stay involved in things in the same way for too long that we become hackneyed. The new

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