"Being understood is not the most essential thing in life."
Jodie Foster
Browsing category: Belonging
"We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.”
Jimmy Neil Smith
"There is no stronger connection between people than storytelling." Jimmy Neil Smith
“Don't be so loyal to your mind; the mind is not loyal to You.” Bert McCoy
'Preservation of one's own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.' Cesar Chavez
In Ancient Greek mythology there is the story of Cassandra, the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. Bestowed upon her by Apollo was the gift of prophecy, and in payment for this talent, Apollo wanted the pleasure of their sexual union, which Cassandra refused. In retaliation for this rebuff, Apollo sanctioned the fine print in the contract of this prophetic gift, which was that no one would believe her prophecies. Cassandra was cursed to go through life seeing the future, casting forth warnings and being listened to
"Powerful is our need to be known, really known by ourselves and others, even if only for a moment."
Carl Rogers
"Your connections with other people are important."
Tom Ford
"One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood." Lucius Annaeus Seneca
"Those who have a strong sense of love and belonging have the courage to be imperfect." Brené Brown